East Point DUI Lawyer
Are you facing charges on an alcohol related charge? You are in danger of having heavy penalties imposed upon you by the court. Even a first time DUI has severe punishments in a conviction. At The Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson, our founding attorney is a former DUI prosecutor, and has a great deal of knowledge and experience on both sides of DUI cases. This allows for the ability to predict the actions of the prosecutor, and to craft a defense case that could be of great benefit to the defendant. We are known throughout the East Point area as one of the most professional and effective DUI defense law firms, and we urge you to contact our East Point DUI attorney immediately if you have been charged. Refrain from answer questions, as is your right, and get an attorney - the best DUI attorney - on your side at once.
The choice of a DUI attorney could be the most important decision of your life, particularly in felony charges. At our firm, we represent individuals in a wide range of DUI offenses, including a 1st DUI, 2nd DUI, or 3rd DUI, as well as in the most serious of DUI offenses, a felony charge of vehicular homicide. You need the best DUI lawyer fighting for you. Our Fulton County DUI attorney has the skills you want on your side; a long track record of success, trial skills, and a commitment to finding the best possible defense for your case. In cases involving accidents and serious injury, you could be facing felony charges. A felony conviction will affect your life forever; you will be restricted from holding certain professional licenses, owning a firearm, the right to vote, and will have serious trouble in simple things like getting a place to live or a mortgage loan. We know how to identify the best strategy to fight back, and we should speak with you immediately.
Our East Point DUI lawyer can represent you with every detail of your case, including ALS hearings. Should you be accused of child endangerment you could suffer extremely serious consequences, including affecting your custody or visitation with your children, as well as heavy penalties. We are proficient and experienced in defending cases of drugs & DUI, including marijuana cases, and we should get involved as early as possible in the DUI process. If you are accused of a DUI under 21, a conviction can have a great impact on your future ability to get a job, or get into certain colleges. Get help now. We are trained by the NHTSA in field sobriety tests and our lead attorney is a certified instructor. The errors in field sobriety tests and breath & blood tests are more frequent than you may know; we carefully review every detail to determine the best strategy to fight back in court. We also represent cases of minor in possession of alcohol, cases of out of state DUI, can advise you about a plea bargain vs. trial, defend accusations involving prescription drugs & DUI, and people who have prior DUI convictions. If you are facing the consequences of refusals/alleged refusals, were arrested after a stop at roadside checkpoints, have an issue regarding a suspended license that must be resolved, or are facing charges of a violation of probation, we can help.
Our firm is known throughout the area as an aggressive, highly competent and successful DUI defense firm, and we urge you to contact us immediately if you have been arrested and charged. We will fight for you and seek out any advantage that can be gained through a full review of all the evidence. Our professional DUI defense lawyer has a great insight into the DUI process, the criminal justice system, and how to fight in court. Contact us fast so we can take action for you.
Contact an East Point DUI lawyer from The Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson today.