Fulton County Drugs & DUI Attorney
We have observed over 20 years practicing DUI defense that the number of alcohol-related DUIs has actually gone down, while the number of DUI drug cases has gone up. The percentage of the population on prescription medications is extremely high. Combine these numbers with those who use recreational drugs and you have a huge number of people that could be accused of DUI with drugs. Prescription drugs & DUI cases have greatly increased. If the officer feels that you're driving was impaired, even when you have a prescription, you could be facing a DUI charge. We have a great deal of experience handling DUI defense cases, and have focused on that area of the law for almost two decades. AFulton County DUI attorney from The Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson is accomplished when defending clients in DUI, whether for alcohol, controlled substances or prescription medications.
Under Georgia law, a driver is not to operate a vehicle after consuming any substance which can alter their ability to safely control the vehicle. When an officer pulls you over for suspicion of driving under the influence, you will most likely be arrested and charged. As part of the DUI process, you will be tested for drugs or medications in your system with a urine or blood test. Every driver in Georgia implies consent to be tested when they have a driver's license. If you refuse the test, your license can be suspended for a year or more. Police officers are allowed to use their own judgment in these situations. That judgment has been found to be incorrect in many cases, and it warrants having an attorney well-versed in DUI law and the science behind DUI. Our firm is dedicated to providing the best defense possible for each client. We work diligently toward that end.
The sooner we can begin work on your case, the greater the chance for a positive result.Contact a Fulton County, GA drugs & DUI lawyer at our firm as soon as possible.