Refusal and Alleged Refusals: DUI Lawyer in Fulton County
After being arrested for DUI at a roadside checkpoint and subjected to a field sobriety test or after a traffic stop, a breath or blood test will be administered. This is different from the hand held AlcoSensor test used as part of the roadside field sobriety test. You may refuse the AlcoSensor test, but refusing to take a breath, blood or urine test is a chargeable offense which results in automatic suspension of your driver's license for 1 year without the possibility of getting a limited use permit. You have only 30 days to take action to avoid the automatic suspension of your license. A Fulton County DUI lawyer at our firm can request an ALS hearing (Administrative License Suspension hearing) for you and can appear on your behalf to fight for your legal right to operate a vehicle.
A person who did blow into the AlcoSensor at the roadside might think that was the mandatory breath test and refuse to take a "second" breath test after being arrested. Protesting innocence, asking questions, asking for an attorney and any number of other things a person might say or do could be taken by the officer as a refusal to cooperate and take the test.
In some cases the DUI suspect blows too hard or cannot blow hard enough, and law enforcement may claim that there was a refusal. In other cases, officers do not even ask the DUI suspect to submit to testing, and there is a charge of a refusal. A DUI attorney at the Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson is intimately familiar with what that can go wrong in testing and can analyze your case to determine the best defense to employ for your case. As our firm is focused strictly on DUI defense, we are very experienced in refusal and alleged refusal defense. Contact a DUI lawyer at our firm who can fight to defend your ability to drive.
Contact a Fulton County DUI lawyer at our firm who can help you in your ALS hearing to avoid suspension of your license to drive.